
<-- Day #10 -->

Hmm. Well I went over my limit today as my mother forced a cupcake down my throat, but never mind, I'll only eat dinner tomorrow. My plan for tomorrow is to crumble some cereal & milk into a bowl for breakfast (to make it look like I've eaten) and then pretend to be ill at lunch so that nobody gets suspicious when I don't buy anything. I'll have to eat dinner, and I've no idea what that will be, but if moms cooking it will probably be reasonably healthy.

List of things to do/distractions:

Science Homework
Maths revision
Upload photos to computer/facebook
Tidy Room
Brush Teeth
Read wuthering heights

Weetabix + Yoghurt - 200cal
2 yellow plums - 100 cal
Cupcake - 250cal
Dinner - 600cal
Total - 1150 cal

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3 Response to "<-- Day #10 -->"

  1. .the.meaning.of.a-na-me. says:
    10 February 2010 at 13:20

    I love having ncie clean teeth! its a perfect distraction, nothing tastes good after you brush your teeth! or even buy some whitening stuff, then you can use it as an excuse to skimp out on dinner, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth!
    great game plan!



  2. Anonymous Says:
    10 February 2010 at 13:28

    I always do that with breakfast :D
    Make sure to get up early enough to make it seem as though you had time to prepare it and eat it before anyone get up though!
    Stay strong x

  3. les jeune fille à les oiseaux says:
    3 April 2010 at 10:15

    Wuthering Heights is classic. are you finished/did you enjoy it?

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